Author (s):Palchenkova V. M.

Work place: 

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Law Institute named after Volodymyr Stashis  of the Classic Private University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Language: English

Criminal Executive System: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. 2018 No 1(3):47-56


Social patronage (derived from the Latin “Patronus”, the French “Patronage” – patron, patron, supervision, patronage, guardianship) and literally implies any patronage stronger in the physical, moral or legal understanding of the individual in relation to the weak. Patronage can mean providing a material, moral, in a broad sense, social assistance and support.

The report considers various historical forms and forms of patronage. Depending on the subjects of the exercise of patronage, he could be state, public or private, secular or ecclesiastical, depending on the objects – could be carried out over slaves, freedmen or free people, to touch certain categories of the population – children, women, former prostitutes, and former prisoners (Special prison patronage).

Presented is the modern definition of patronage, its subjects and activities.

The law defines the list of social patronage services, to which, in addition to the social services defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Social Services”, medical, legal, educational, rehabilitation and other services are included. Specific measures of social patronage have been defined, namely: the restoration of documents and the registration of the place of residence, the provision or preservation of housing, medical care, services, the examination of exempted persons, the provision of additional job security. It is envisaged that the subjects of the social patronage, in the case of the release of liberated persons, are obliged immediately to start implementing measures of social patronage against such persons.

Key words: social patronage, social services, forms, types, measures


1. Palchenkova, V.M. (2013), Transformatsiia hromadskoho kontroliu za vykonanniam pokaran: istoryko-pravovyi analiz, Aktsent Invest-treid, Zaporizhzhia.

2. Palchenkova, V.M. (2013), Ideia ta praktyka tiuremnoho patronazhu v Rosiiskii imperii”, Naukovo-vyrobnychyi zhurnal Derzhava ta rehiony, No.1, pp. 18–23.

3. Pro sotsialnu adaptatsiiu osib, yaki vidbuvaly pokarannia u vydi obmezhennia abo pozbavlennia voli na pevnyi strok (2004), Zakon Ukrainy vid 10 lypnia 2003 r. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy, No. 6, a. 39.

4. Pro sotsialnu adaptatsiiu osib, yaki vidbuvaiut, chy vidbuvaly pokarannia u vydi obmezhennia abo pozbavlennia voli na pevnyi strok, Zakon Ukrainy vid 17 bereznia 2011 r., No. 38, a. 380.

5. Yatsyshyn, M.M. (2009), Pravovi osnovy sotsialnoho zakhystu osib, zvilnenykh z mists pozbavlennia voli, Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu, Seriia Pravo, No. 12, pp. 511–516.

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