Author (s):Nykyforchuk D. Y., Kolb I. O.
Work place:
Nykyforchuk D. Y.,
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities of National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv;
Kolb I. O.,
Ph.D. in Law, Deputy Head of the Departmentsupervising the observance of laws while court decisions implementation in criminal proceedings, as well as in the application of othercompulsory measures connected with citizens’ personal freedom restriction of the Prosecutor’s Office of Kiev region
Language: Ukrainian
Criminal Executive System: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. 2017 No 2(2):180-189
The article deals with the content of the inter-branch principles of criminal-executive activity of the personnel of the bodies and penal institutions, as well as their place and role in the legal mechanism of the execution of punishment. In addition, certain problematic issues in this area are identified and scientifically substantiated measures on their solution in essence are developed.
Taking into account that both in separate articles of the CPC (Articles 8-29) and in scientific and practical comments to this Code, the contents of these principles are sufficiently thoroughly, fully and detailed described, it should be only mentioned, that the approach proposed in this paper is not indisputable, although, on the other hand, the problem of identifying inter-branch principles in Criminal and Executive Law is obvious, relevant and of a large theoretical and applied value.
Under the interagency principles of criminal and executive activity of the personnel of the bodies and institutions of execution of punishments should be understood those initial provisions, which arose from the content of the principles of criminal and law branches of Law (criminal, criminal procedure, criminalistics, etc.) and determine the content of work (service) these persons and directions of their further development in the field of execution of punishment.
Key words: principles, Criminal and executive activity, personnel of penal bodies and institutions, legal mechanism, scope of punishment, condemned, criminal penalties.
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