Author (s):Karelin V. V., Puzyrevskyi M. V.
Work place:
Karelin V. V.,
Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal, Criminal and Executive Law and Criminology, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Puzyrevskyi M. V.,
Candidate for higher education at the second (Master’s) level
on the specialty 081 “Law”, the head of the cabinet
of the Department of Tactical and Special Training,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Language: Ukrainian
Criminal Executive System: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. 2017 No 2(2):133-141
In the history of human development criminal-executive relations have always occupied a special place in social relations, which is associated with the peculiarities of the system of execution of criminal punishment. The current stage of Ukraine’s formation is characterized by the radical reforms in all sectors of the state and society. Changes in the economic, political and social life of the country inevitably lead to the need to improve the legal regulation of social relations, those arising in the field of execution of punishments in particular.
The study of the problem of guarantees of adherence to the legal principles of the application of encouragement and punishment in the case of imprisonment is one of the poorly investigated issues in the general theory of law, as well as in the science of criminal-executive law.
A large number of Ukrainian scholars appealed to the issue of applying encouragement and punishment to convicted persons in case of the execution of sentences related to their isolation from society.
This publication is aimed at solving the problems concerning the guarantees of observance of legal principles of application of encouragement and punishment in case of imprisonment as a pre-condition of the reform of the penitentiary system of Ukraine.
There should be such guarantees of adherence to the principles of application of encouragement and punishment as:
1) improvement of the standards of the Criminal-Executive Code of Ukraine, which regulate this activity;
2) supervision and control over this activity;
3) establishment of legal responsibility of the staff of Penal establishments;
4) determination of mechanisms for objection against decisions to impose penalty or refuse to apply encouragement;
5) prevention of violations.
In its turn, the current Ukrainian legislation does not provide prisoners with the opportunity to submit appeals, applications and complaints to competent authorities, institutions, organizations and officials, as there is basically no effective mechanism for it.
It is advisable to provide the following measures at the legislative level:
- A) the duty of the Penal establishments to ensure the convicted person an access to a lawyer or other specialist in the field of law in case of a possible disciplinary action against the convicted person with abeyance of such proceedings until the provision of the right to legal assistance;
- B) the right of the convicted persons to appeal against decisions of the administration of the correctional centre on the application or non-application of encouragement and penalties, in judicial bodies as well;
- C) the exclusion of the provisions of Art. 134 of the Criminal-Executive Code of Ukraine, which unjustifiably limit grounds for cancellation of penalty imposed by officials of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine;
- D) the confidentiality of sending the letters concerning the objection of actions of the administration of the correctional centre;
- E) the exclusion of the cases of attachment of results of the correspondence of the convicted persons with authorities and institutions to their personal records, giving the right to the convicted person of keeping such documents.
Key words: mesures of promotion and enforcrment, disciplinary action, criminal punishment, state coercion, legitimacy, law order.
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