Author (s): Puzyrov M., Hashenko S., Shapka V.

Work place:

Puzyrov M.,

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Senior Researcher,

Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines

of the Faculty of Humanities,

the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,

Kharkiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-7814-9476;

Hashenko S.,

Senior Lecturer

of the Department of Combined Military Disciplines,

Institute of Military Law

of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University,

Kharkiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0009-0007-7942-5413;

Shapka V.,

Postgraduate of the Department of Criminal,

Criminal and Executive Law and Criminology,

Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine,

Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0009-0004-3903-4520


Language: Ukrainian

Criminal Executive System: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. 2024. № 1 (15): 51–62


The article is dedicated to the study of foreign experience of crime prevention of foreigners and stateless persons with the formulation of scientifically based prospects for its implementation in Ukraine.

The relevance of the selected issues is explained by the following circumstances: firstly, in the conditions of the ongoing war, a significant part of the population of Ukraine was forced to emigrate abroad and can potentially become either subjects or victims of criminal offenses; secondly, international cooperation in the most dangerous types of criminality is increasing, in particular: smuggling, illegal trafficking of weapons, drugs, human trafficking (including involvement in prostitution), theft of cultural and historical values, etc.; thirdly, the identities of criminals (criminal offenders) – foreigners and stateless persons – have not been fully studied, especially their criminogenic behaviour in the conditions of modern national and world realities.

It is emphasized that crime prevention of foreigners and stateless persons in Ukraine is impossible without a study of the positive experience of law enforcement agencies functioning in foreign countries, which assign a priority role in their activities to the prevention of criminal offenses in a certain area.

The conducted research on the study of the experience of developed foreign countries in the field of crime prevention of foreigners and stateless persons provides grounds for determining the following forms of its implementation to preventive activities in Ukraine: 1) use of the experience of the USA and European countries in the preparation of conceptual legal acts in the field of crime prevention of foreigners and stateless persons; 2) use by law enforcement structures (in particular, the police) and non-state structures of civil society of positive foreign practices of crime prevention by foreigners and stateless persons; 3) use of opportunities for international cooperation in the field of combating criminality of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as preventing the commission of criminal offenses against these categories of persons who are on the territory of Ukraine.

Key words: war, martial law, criminal offense, identity of a criminal (criminal offender), victim of a criminal offense, victimhood, determinants, forced migration, foreigners, stateless persons, criminality, smuggling, illegal weapon trafficking, illegal drug trafficking, prevention measures, subjects of prevention, law enforcement agencies, foreign experience, international cooperation, criminal proceedings, investigation, procedural actions.



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